Does it hurt to stand on your feet?

What is the horrendous pain under my feet? It could be plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis typically presents as pain under the heel that can spread to the under side of the foot. It is a thick, fibrous band, attaching from the heel/Calcaneous bone to the base of the toes. It contracts & stretches as you walk, to maintain the arch of the foot. 


Causes of Plantar Fasciitis:

- Excessive weight gain

- Poor fitting shoes

- Certain exercises like running, dancing 

- Prolonged walking or standing

- Poor biomechanics, meaning the force going through your foot is not well distributed

- Rapid change in exercise

- Excessive strain from muscles, in particular; hamstring, calves & achilles tendon


Ways to self manage:

- Golf ball, place a golf ball under your feet and slowly apply pressure

- Place ice under your feet

- Avoid prolonged rest, as inflammation can build up & further increase your pain levels

- Pump your foot before getting up, especially in the morning

- Wear comfortable shoes, avoiding high heels

- Stretching your hamstrings & calf muscles

- Take a break from exercises while the pain is acute

- Taping your foot to reduce the strain on the plantar fascia


How can Osteopathy help?

North shore osteopath


Osteopaths work to address the cause of the plantar fasciitis. This would involve both physical assessment, including gait (the way you walk & run), biomechanics of your body including; muscles, joint, weight bearing/balance, leg length, pelvic rotations and so on. Also they would assess any external factors that might include; exercise, running surface, stretching, footwear and so on. Your osteopath may also prescribe some exercises or stretches if necessary. Taping your foot may also be applicable. 


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