The Ultimate Guide to Easing Sciatica During Your Pregnancy Journey

sciatica treatment in pregnancy, sciatica, pregnancy osteopath

Sciatica, an uncomfortable and often distressing condition, stems from the compression or squeezing of the sciatic nerve. Originating in the lower back, this nerve extends through the buttocks region and into the posterior leg. While disc herniation is the most common cause of sciatica in non-pregnant individuals, the good news is that disc injuries are relatively uncommon during pregnancy. Instead, expectant mothers may experience sciatica due to factors such as unstable or tight joints and muscle tension. Join us as we explore the intricacies of sciatica during pregnancy, understanding why it occurs, its potential triggers, and how to find relief from this discomfort. Let's embark on a journey to ensure your pregnancy is as blissful and pain-free as possible!


  • Pain in your buttock that refers down the back of your leg to behind your knee and possibly to your foot

  • Pain can feel dull, shooting, sharp and/or pins and needles like

  • Difficulty walking or standing

  • Numbness, weakness or pins and needles in effected leg


In pregnancy most commonly Sciatica is caused by unstable joints and muscle tension. The sacroiliac joint can become restricted, with the surrounding muscles (Glut’s and Piriformis muscles) can become tight and compressing the Sciatica nerve. The Sciatica nerve being compressed by the Piriformis muscle is called Piriformis Syndrome.

How to relieve Sciatica:

Daily, gentle walks help keep your joints and muscles functioning optimally

Stretching - Try sitting or lying on your back, one leg bent, with your ankle over your opposite knee, then gently pull your thigh towards your chest (If lying down) or push your thigh down (if seated) and you should feel a pull in your buttock or upper hamstring region.

Spiky massage ball - Place your spiky ball or firm massage ball in your buttocks region to relieve tight muscles

How can Osteopathic treatment help Sciatica in pregnancy?


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but for some, the joy can be interrupted by the discomfort of sciatica. Enter osteopathic treatment – a safe and effective form of hands-on, physical therapy designed to get to the root of your sciatic pain, rather than just addressing the symptoms. Unlike a quick fix, osteopathy looks at the bigger picture, examining your entire body from head to toes.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, and these changes can contribute to sciatic pain. Osteopathy takes a holistic approach, recognizing that tightness in one area can have a domino effect on other regions of the body. For instance, if your neck is tight, it can create tension in your upper back, which then travels down to your lower back, potentially contributing to sciatic discomfort. Furthermore, if your pelvis is misaligned or twisted due to the changes in your body, it can strain the surrounding muscles and joints, exacerbating sciatic symptoms.

Osteopathic treatment involves gentle, targeted techniques to address these underlying issues. The goal is to relieve tension, restore balance, and promote optimal function throughout your body. By identifying and treating the root cause of sciatica during pregnancy, osteopathy provides a safe and non-invasive option for managing discomfort, allowing you to fully embrace the wonders of pregnancy.

Ready to bid farewell to sciatic woes? Book your appointment online now, and let osteopathy guide you towards a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy journey. Your body deserves the care and attention it needs during this special time!


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