Why do we get constipated during pregnancy?

pregnancy osteopath

Constipation in pregnancy

Constipation in pregnancy is both normal and a common complaint. If you are suffering from constipation please consult your midwife or health professional, so they can work with you to try resolve it. There are many reasons why constipation occurs in pregnancy; progesterone, iron supplements, side effects of medication e.g. omeprzole (losec) etc. 


Ways to self manage;

  • Diet- A high fibre diet. Wholegrain bread & cereals, fruit, vegetables, legumes. Avoid white bread, pasta, white rice. Also eat smaller meals more often.

  • Water - Are you drinking enough fluids? I do not mean tea, coffee or juice. Straight, old fashioned water.

  •  Exercise- Regular exercise helps your bowels process your food and avoid constipation. This doesn't mean you need a gym membership, a 20-30minute walk each day and avoiding prolonged sitting during the day is sufficient. Pelvic floor exercises will help too. 

  • Sitting on the toilet with your feet elevated- Grab a toilet, small bin or anything that allows you to elevate your feet so your knee’s are above your hips/pelvis, this changes the angle of your pelvis and reduces the pressure on the anal cannel making it easier to pass stools/poos.

 Osteopathic treatment for constipation

Osteopathic treatment for constipation in pregnancy

Osteopathic treatment for constipation during pregnancy offers a gentle and holistic approach to alleviate discomfort and promote digestive health. Through targeted manipulation techniques, osteopaths focus on improving the mobility and function of the digestive organs, including the intestines and surrounding muscles. By releasing tension and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system, osteopathic treatment can help alleviate restrictions in the abdomen, allowing for smoother bowel movements. Additionally, osteopaths may provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations to support regularity and prevent constipation. With a focus on addressing the underlying causes of constipation and promoting overall well-being, osteopathic treatment offers expectant mothers a safe and effective option for managing this common pregnancy symptom.


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